Project Services
WYCO knows that major projects and large companies often need specific roles filled to fill out their project team. WYCO's personnel have often served in these roles. Services we offer include but aren't limited to:
-Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC i.e. inspections)
- Project auditing
-3rd party reviews of contractor and design team.
-Feasibility Studies
-Estimating: From conceptual estimates to hard dollar bids WYCO can meet your needs.
-Procurement and expeditiing
-Contract Management, contracting plans, contract pro forma docs
-Safety Consulting
-Project Execution and Contracting Plans
-Project Manuals
-Bid Solicitation Process Managment
WYCO holds "dual" licenses in both General Contracting as well as General Engineering Contracting, meaning we are licensed to build virtually anything in either the commercial or residential sectors. For more information on License Classifications and allowed scope click HERE.
We self-perform the following trades, and depending on the the project will perform all trades:
-Site Work
-Structural Excavation
-Mass Grading
-Finish Grading
-Flat Work concrete
-Structural Concrete

Design and Engineering
WYCO offers civil, structural, mechanical, environmental, land development and virtually any design engineering service in house.
-Developmnet Plans
-Grading Design Plans
-Utility Design
-Structural Engineering (Framing and foundations)
-Drainage and Hydrology
-ADA accessibility design
-Construction Engineering including from work, false work, temporary bracing, slope stability etc.
-Project Permitting
-Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

Construction Management
WYCO has extensive experience in construction management, acting as a CM at Risk and CM as owner's agent. Many owners are now hiring third party construction mangers to help guide both the engineering and design team and the general contractor and our team is particularly sited to filling this role.

In an era where specialization is the norm, WYCO was founded with the vision of providing clients with truly comprehensive project services. Founded by an individual who is proudly both a professional engineer and licensed contractor WYCO seeks to perform as much design and construction in-house as possible. However, this doesn't mean we accept only clients who want all of the above, we happily provide a la carte stand alone design, construction and consulting and project support services as well.
No matter the particulars of your project WYCO seeks to always provide the best absolute value to it's clients. As both contractors and engineers our understanding of construction enhances value engineering and constructability efforts during design, and during construction, our understanding of engineering means you receive the utmost in project value, quality and adherence to design standards and safety. Our staff also has extensive experience serving with each stake holder's team (Designer, Contractor, Owner) on a project, and therefore each decision during design, planning, construction or close-out is considered form the owner's and end user's perspective.

As technical subject matter experts in Construction and Engineering WYCO provides the following services:
-Accessibility design review for adherence to Americans With Disabilities Act standards
-Conceptual Project review and planning
-Contract review and formulation
-Construction claim auditing and review